Chinese scholars have successfully developed single-spin quantum sensors for searching for new particles

Finding new particles outside the standard model of particle physics is very important for new physics exploration. The reporter learned from the University of Science and Technology of China that the academician Du Jiangfeng’s academic team has recently successfully developed a single-electron spin quantum sensor for searching “axon-like particles,” extending the power of search to the submicron scale. International authoritative academic journal "Nature Communications" recently published this result.

The discovery of new particles can be used to fill the current theoretical deficiencies in particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology, such as particle quality level problems, strong CP problems, positive and negative matter asymmetry, and the physical nature of dark matter and dark energy.

In recent years, the international academic community has developed a series of sophisticated experimental devices to conduct electronic and nuclear interaction searches within a force range of 20 microns or more. However, to carry out experimental research within a shorter range of force, you face a series of challenges: how to build a small enough size sensor? How to design the sensor geometry to allow electrons and nucleons to get close enough? How to increase the sensitivity of the sensor to give a meaningful definition? How to effectively isolate the environmental noise, especially the inevitable electromagnetic noise?

Recently, Du Jiangfeng’s team of microscopic magnetic resonance labs led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences teamed up with scientists from the Department of Astronomy of the University of Science and Technology and the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory to propose and implement a new detection method, which is to electronically spin the near-surface diamond NV center of color. Used as a sensor to search for electron and nuclear interactions in the <20 micron range. They prepared NV color centers within 10 nanometers from the diamond surface as detectors, developed corresponding electronic devices and quantum control methods, and solved the above-mentioned problems that constrained short-range exploration. Experiments have shown that the new sensor can explore force ranges from 0.1 μm to 23 μm, providing new observational constraints for the exploration of electron-nucleus interactions.

According to reports, this new method can also be extended to other spin-related new interaction studies, thus providing the possibility of using single-spin quantum sensors to study new physics beyond the standard model, and is expected to stimulate cosmology and astrophysics. Widespread interest in various scientific fields such as high-energy physics.

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